"It’s been a whirlwind of wonderful experiences for him. I am so grateful that he’s been at a school that has nurtured and enabled him - thank you."



Geography studies the formation of different landscapes; the places people live the role of people in shaping the world and the interaction between the natural and human aspects.

Geography is about the world we live in; the world in our immediate vicinity and globally. It equips students for the future. Thus, for example, it deals with how landscapes in the UK and beyond have evolved; cause and consequences of natural hazards such as hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanoes; the issue of migration and tolerance; how people live in large cities and countries in contrasting parts of the world; where football clubs and shopping centres locate; inequality of resources and their management and how tourists impact the areas they visit.

Geography offers understanding of the world in which we live. It is therefore relevant to life in the twenty first century. In short, GEOGRAPHY MATTERS.


Most Geography lessons are taught in the Geography Room, a specialist room with an interactive whiteboard and ten computers. All the rooms where Geography is taught are equipped with interactive whiteboards.


Pupils in Year 7 are taught Geography for one hour (lesson) a week. Basic skills, different aspects of near and far places, the geography of sport and coasts are covered. In Year 8, there are two lessons per week. People in the UK - challenges and opportunities, and global issues and challenges are studied as well as climate and hazards linked to extreme weather in the UK and hurricanes.

Geography is a popular option at GCSE. Pupils follow the AQA Specification focussing on a variety of topics. Some seek to deepen their understanding of topics considered during Years 7- 8 such as weather hazards, whilst others are entirely new, such as tectonic hazards and the study of a city and a country in poorer parts of the world. The same philosophy is adopted at A level and the consequent AQA Specification is adopted with a focus on contemporary aspects such as changing places and a worldwide approach in the context of global systems and governance.


Geography is about the world we live in. Fieldwork plays a key part in the delivery of this subject so that pupils can experience first-hand some of the areas they are being taught about in the classroom. Thus, the aim is to ensure all year groups take part in fieldwork activities. The subject lends itself to a wide educational role of significant value. Thus, there are opportunities for pupils, for example, to take responsibility for their own learning; become independent learners; consider how they learn best and develop their knowledge and understanding to achieve aspirational target grades.


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