"...thank you for all of the support that you have given me over the last seven years because my school experience has honestly been a dream."

Business & Enterprise

Business and Enterprise is of great importance at our school. The key concepts behind enterprise are embedded in many aspects and students have many opportunities to explore and develop their enterprise skills. We recognise as a school that our students should be encouraged to explore different approaches to problems and therefore work hard to create an environment in which creative thinking and enterprise may develop and flourish.

Business Links

Each subject area has at least one link with a local business where the learning which takes place within the classroom can be contextualised through project based work or problem solving activities which relate to the work of the business with whom the link is made. Students may visit the business to see its work in action or may meet members of staff who come into school to present to classes or work with students on case studies or skill based activities.

Work Experience

Students in Year 10 experience the world of work through a visit to an employer for a week of work experience. This is a valuable opportunity for our students to explore prospective, future employment possibilities. Our students are able to choose a focus for their work experience visit and then arrangements are made to locate a suitable placement.

Embedding Enterprise

The school participates in a number of embedding enterprise schemes run by our local Education and Business Partnership. These are subject based problem solving exercises which allow students the opportunity to create imaginative solutions to problems which businesses may find in their field of work. Students work as a team and present their schemes to a panel who judge their work against competitors from other schools in the County. Recent challenges have included an RAF aviation challenge, a radio based challenge with Siren FM and a music challenge with University College, Lincoln, which the school won last year.

QEGS Enterprise

Students have the opportunity to set up and run their own business in school. They must present a business plan to a panel of students and staff, outlining their product details, costs, market and unique selling point and then may bid for financial support from the school to help them with set-up costs. The panel then judges each application and selects the businesses which will be offered the opportunity to trade in school. Each business is provided with a regular position from which to trade and receives support with the safe banking of money.

Student Mentoring Scheme

Year 12 students are each provided with the opportunity to be mentored by a member of the business community in the profession which the student has an interest. This is a positive way for students to gain experience of what a career in a chosen area really will involve and provides valuable experience which informs important choices that students have to make at this point in their lives. Students fill in a brief questionnaire which highlights their aspirations. Prospective mentors are then contacted by the school and our business partners, and meetings with students then take place. Support is also provided for students who remain unsure of their chosen path beyond school.

Other opportunities

There are many other opportunities for students to demonstrate their enterprise skills both within and outside the curriculum. Students may, for example choose to set up and run their own club or activity or engage with a coaching programme in PE. Students are encouraged to explore their creativity and enterprise and can be rewarded for their efforts through the school’s in house Student Leadership Award scheme.