"...exemplary standards demonstrated throughout the whole environment."



The Art department offers a variety of artistic experiences for all pupils from Years 7 and 8 to those that choose to follow art courses at GCSE and A level. Education in the visual arts covers practical instruction, personal expression and art appreciation. The Art department aims to help pupils observe the world around them, appreciate the work of artists and craftsmen from a variety of cultures and to find pleasure and satisfaction in expressing their ideas, thoughts and feelings through the medium of visual Art.


The Art department resides within the old building with a general room for teaching of all years and a smaller room used mainly with A level groups. The department has equipment and materials for the teaching of drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking and art textiles work.


Pupils in Year 7 and Year 8 have one period of Art per week. In Years 9, 10 and 11 Art is taken as an option subject with each group having two periods per week. Art is also offered at A level when pupils receive four periods per week in both Year 12 and Year 13.

The scheme of work for Years 7 and 8 covers work in basic drawing skills, looking at structure, perspective and portraiture. Colour work using watercolour, pencil crayons, poster colour oil pastels and basic, relief printmaking. Sculptural work in Papier-mâché and each year group produces at least one ceramic piece during the year. ICT is also used as a tool for art and the department has six computers available for this. During Lower school (Y7 & Y8) Art lessons we will look at the work of Cezanne, Picasso, Klimt, Van Gogh, African tribal Art, North American Indian Art and Oriental Art.

At GCSE and A level pupils have the opportunity to develop their skills further in all the above areas but also they can experience using acrylic and oil paints on both canvas and board, silk painting, batik, plaster sculptural work, advanced printmaking and ceramics.

Art appreciation forms a major component of both examination groups. Pupils will choose to look at the work of specific artists relating to their practical work, to aid this the department has a substantial collection of art books available as well as access to the internet. The department aims to take each year group on a visit to a gallery during the year. Thus far we have visited. Lincoln, London, Hull and Liverpool art galleries.


Please click on the link below for an up-to-date list of staff:

Staff List